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Nickname: latefall

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Jun 30 16, 23:14


by latefall, (

Let's be honest. When we talk about immigration we're not speaking of immigrants from New Zealand or Nova Scotia. We're talking mainly about Mexicans and anyone who is Muslim or Islamic.
For some it's an abstract thought as you might not run into these people in your day to day life.
Yes. The overwhelming majority of us in the states are products of immigration from somewhere. I get that. And I'm not against immigration, but there are things to take into consideration.
As far as terrorism. I don't know how you weed out the crazies. Again, it seems more relevant to where you live. Not a lot happening in the cornfields of Nebraska. But if you live in a major city and ride a train everyday, or fly frequently, or use the subway often, your nerves may be a little on edge.
I live in an area where if I go out I will see a immigrant within ten minutes. They make up a large part of the work force.
The area I grew up in-about an hour from here-I would see an immigrant as soon as I stepped out of my home or car. There they are an overwhelming majority of the work force and community.
If you googled that town it would say it's 5% Hispanic and that would be Puerto Rican. But the Mexicans are there. Hiding in plain sight. Most evident in the schools which are about 60% Mexican. Do I want them to get a good education? Of course. But these parents pay absolutely no taxes. So, imagine that you are paying taxes-pretty steep taxes actually-and programs at school keep getting cut because there's no money. And there's no money because most of the funds go towards paying for families who pay for no services.
This is just one example of what frustrates people.
If you're living in Idaho this probably isn't even on your radar.
Mr. Trump is very familiar with Mexicans. His clothing lines are produced in Mexico, so he has no need for them to be in the states.
But, there lies the solution. Don't hire illegal immigrants and they would leave within a week.
But that's not going to happen. Too much money to be made.
Companies subcontract out most of their work like cleaning, food, landscaping. They get very good rates that way. So the big company hires 'Amy's Cleaning'. Amy's Cleaning has 5 employees on the books. All born in the USA. But she has another 100 employees off the books who get paid in cash. If by some fluke she gets caught she happily pays a small fine (cause she's made a LOT of money off the books), and then regroups as 'Becky's Cleaning'. No one is looking. There's just too much money to be made.
As far as there's room for all....yes, there is, but....immigrants usually go to where there's work. They're not going to towns with population of 500. And the competition for jobs is often a sore spot.
Yes. Of course, there are those -from all countries -who come legally and pay taxes and are wonderful additions to the community. Even the illegal people are great additions to the community. Diversity is wonderful.
So, no. I'm not against immigration, but I just wanted to shed a little light on why some people are saying enough is enough.
I guess what I'm trying to get across is to not listen to Trump who clearly has his own agenda, but DO listen to what some of his supporters have to say. Listen to what is frustrating and/or frightening them. Even if it's silly or stupid to us it's not for them. Treating Trump supporters like they are part of a freak show isn't going to help them see the light.

This blog has been read 1439 times.
[Comments]Comments (12)
latefall on Jul 31 16, 02:20

This is sad, but true. :-(  
latefall on Jul 31 16, 00:48

I've been on Shoe for awhile now, and I've yet to meet an idiot. In fact, just the opposite. Most are quite well read, well educated, have traveled extensively, and have the manners to not call any one else an idiot. I'm sorry that the space on Earth that you occupy is so full of injustices that make life so miserable for you. Thankfully, it doesn't seem to have affected all of us. 
Taurus56 on Jul 31 16, 00:25

First of all, your an idiot. You haven't done your research or you'd have read the facts like I have. Second religion does have alot to do with the terrorists that are in our country. Their religion tells them to murder anyone or anything that gets in the way of them serving "their God" Illegals just don't give a shit, they come here, suck off ALL of us for personal gain not a better life. Look at who is in our prison systems all across the nation. I don't listen to one party or another, I do my research for myself. 
Taurus56 on Jul 31 16, 00:18

Iilegals are not less than us, get a clue! They are illegal! That's what makes it wrong for them to come into our country, use our free medical, schools, housing and food. Yes our current dildo president is allowing thousands upon thousands of illegal immigrants to come here. Our older people are suffering, they don't get the handouts like illegals do, kids are on the streets suffering while our Democratic govnmt leaders do nothing for them, but if they are from Mexico or the middle East....we need to get our own people taken care of first. Everybody else should come second. Illegals add nothing to our tax system, Medicare or anything else. They either don't work or they are criminals that take. If they do work it goes to their best interest, they don't contribute to our financial system. Clinton is a proven liar and a bitch. Do your research! 
Taurus56 on Jul 31 16, 00:06

A student school visa doesn't get it. If Carmen isn't legal, she or he does not go to school in our country. If they love our countries education system so much, then pay the full price and get legal. Simple as that. 
latefall on Jul 30 16, 23:00

Taurus, I don't want this exchange to seem like it's a personal attack on you. I highly value open discussion, and I know that you're voicing the opinion of many others. You are certainly entitled to your own opinions. We're just on opposite sides of 'the wall' on this one. 
latefall on Jul 30 16, 22:51

Here's what I don't understand. Today you are standing next to 'Carmen' in the supermarket and you dislike her because she's illegal. Monday 'Carmen' gets her approval for a student visa in the mail. You will now welcome her with open arms? Invite her to your home for dinner? A piece of paper makes a difference? I just don't get it.... 
Taurus56 on Jul 30 16, 04:16

Marrying another woman or bathroom issues are not causing financial burdens on our country, giving illegals free everything is... 
latefall on Jul 05 16, 21:36

Can we honestly say that the right thing to do and the legal thing to do are always the same? What about when it was illegal to marry another woman? What about when it was illegal for me to enter the front entryway to a business or use the bathroom, or vote? Sometimes legal has to catch up with what is the right thing to do? 
Taurus56 on Jul 05 16, 13:40

Illegal, let's look at that word...breaking the law, not immigrating according to the law made by the people of that land. What part of " illegal" do you not understand? Look at the amount of " illegals" who come here and have committed crimes and are now in prison. They don't pay taxes, they don't want to work, they suck off all the rest of us who do work! I'm not against people coming to America, Just DO IT THE RIGHT WAY!!!! 
latefall on Jul 01 16, 18:18

I would never advocate keeping any one group out based on religious belief or anything else. Fill in the blanks...who would be next? The Buddhist? Hindus? Anyone we just don't like the look of?
There's an old proverb that can be summed up by saying, 'I stood by and did nothing when they came for the others. When they came for me there was no one left to cry out to'. What a sad legacy to leave behind.
And, as for the immigrants draining our economy. If they were let in legally they would work and then pay taxes.  
Taurus56 on Jul 01 16, 05:03

Illegal immigrants should not be allowed in the untied States period. If they are caught, they need to be deported immediately. As far as Muslims go you can't tell who is on and who is not on so bottom Muslims alloed in our country right now period! Illegals are sucking our jobs and finaces up. They don't pay taxes, they get medical free...this is bullshit. Our seniors who need help can't even get help. Wake up America! 

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