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Nickname: latefall

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Aug 19 16, 15:56

Coffee Anyone?

by latefall, (

A few months ago a friend said she was going to begin saving money by making coffee at home instead of buying it at cafes. She said she had never made coffee before and asked me tons of questions. (which I didnt mind at all ). She bought an expensive Ninja coffee system, took days to decide on which coffee, creams, and sugars.
She texted me this morning asking if it was ok to drink two day old coffee. Had it been anyone else I'd think they were joking. But her? Yeah, I knew she was serious.
She then said that she had put sugar and cream in, microwaved, and then tasted it before texting me.
The only thing going through my mind was "WHY?" Even if the microwave neutralized any fuzz growing on it. WHY? The time it took to do all this she could have made a fresh pot.
I couldn't help but inquire, what does one have with two day old coffee? Was there a week old donut that just happened to be sitting around?
She then tried to say she just wanted to start my day with a giggle, but we both know the truth. I'm still shaking my head......

This blog has been read 1476 times.
[Comments]Comments (2)
latefall on Aug 20 16, 06:16

I should really add that she's a good friend and a great person. She has a lot of things she can tease me about, so, I can tease her about being coffee challenged.  
latefall on Aug 19 16, 18:13

I just assumed that ppl learn to talk, walk, and make coffee. In that order. Even if it's in a can over an open fire. Who doesn't make coffee?
So, I got over that shock. When she told me about the Ninja I seriously had Ninja envy! (she's 2000 miles away, so I can't just drop by for a cup). She hasn't used it for anything except regular coffee because it's too complicated?? She also admitted that from the beginning she was using the wrong end of the measuring scoop that was provided. But she likes the coffee shes been making, so will keep the measurements the same. Again, shaking my head. Not a teeny bopper. My age. 

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