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Nickname: latefall

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Oct 18 16, 13:29

Just Not Enough

by latefall, (

Although I'm passionate in many of my beliefs, I tend to subscribe to the 'live and let live' philosophy. I love exchange of thoughts and ideas. So, I needed to explore why I've been really agitated by some recent conversations in the media lately.
It all came to a head when the mayor of a city a few miles from me put up a Facebook post of monkeys in a wheelbarrow being pushed out of a house. The caption was, 'Moving day at the White House'. He refused to take the post down and reiterated that his freedom of speech was protected.
As if that wasn't disturbing enough, a group of grade school students decided to show their support by posing for a group shot with a sign saying, 'You stupid niggers'. Now, I find it hard to believe that a group of 10 to 15 year olds woke up one morning and decided to do this. (although they were all smiling in the photo) My guess is that there were some adults behind it. What parent would take pride in this post?
Then it started to come to me. Why I'm less and less willing to make excuses for those who claim to exercise their American citizens rights to be a bigot.
Growing up in a town that was about 5% Black, (we weren't African Americans yet) we were tolerated. Not liked, but tolerated. Sort of like, I'd rather spend the day with my hunting dog, but I'll tolerate being with you.
I've come to understand that it's just not enough to simply tolerate anyone from any minority group. As if there are some steps or training that you can take in order to become a 'first class' citizen. As if there's anything one can do to be better liked, better accepted, more like the rest of the 'normal' people.
I'm no longer willing to just nod and smile and say that it's ok to be a bigot. That you're entitled to you're opinions. Because there's a ripple effect. It leads to children smiling while holding up a sign full of hate. Sadly,I'm well aware that the sign could just as well targeted members of the LGBTQ, Latino, Muslim, or any other community. They've been encouraged now, as this was deemed to be indeed within their rights of free expression.
You can't dress up bigotry, make it nice and pretty and politically correct. It's ugly and it's just plain wrong.

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