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Nov 04 16, 04:15

Life before PayPal

by latefall, (

Those of you in the States probably heard about the large bank that was busted for giving accounts to dead people to make its sales quota.
Actually, I wasn't even shocked by it, but, my friend has her payroll check directly deposited into a checking account there, so, I asked her what happened.
She said she tried to use her debit card for a purchase and it was denied. They froze accounts. It seems they didn't want to notify people by mail as many had left the planet. They wanted the living to walk into a branch, and prove they were alive.
I was giggling as my friend was telling me all this, but in reality I couldn't imagine being in that situation.
I might have been at Panera Bread trying to pay for my coffee and cheese danish. There would have been a huge line building up behind me as I'm searching all my pockets for change because I never carry cash anymore.
Then, what if something I'd had my eye on online went on sale? Half off and free shipping, but I can't use my PayPal?? Too horrible to even think about!
Life before ATMs and PayPal....I can't remember back that far....

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[Comments]Comments (3)
Freesia on Nov 05 16, 23:43

Times have certainly changed Latefall ! 
latefall on Nov 05 16, 13:50

I remember that writing a check did feel very 'adult like'. I'd begun working when I was 14 and opened an account to be able to cash my paycheck. I don't remember how this was legal. But it was a local bank in our small town. At first I would deposit the entire check, but then come back several times a week to make withdrawals.
One day the manager said to me, "Young lady, is that how you're supposed to handle your money"? The only proper response was, "No, sir". I was taken aback, but he was right. I deposited the checks and left them there. When I got my license to drive at 16 I was able to write a check to purchase a car. It wasn't a Mercedes, but, it was a car.
Today a manager speaking to a customer like that would be completely out of line. But it was just what I needed at the time. 

Freesia on Nov 04 16, 18:59

I can remember feeling nervous writing my first cheque in a shop . I had a cheque card but not at that point a cheque guarantee card
I think shops didn' t have to take your cheque unless you had a cheque guarantee card  
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