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Nickname: latefall

Wohnort: Lancaster (Pennsylvania), USA

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04. Juli 17, 17:33

A very good day

von latefall, (

There are some days when its obvious that God wants to see you laugh. Yesterday was one of those days for me.
First, I was going to one of my favorite charity auctions. It was to raise money for special needs children schools. That alone would have been enough to make it a good day.
We were getting out of the car. I told my friend to leave all her personal junk in the car. She puts things down and can't remember where. But, she told me to mind my own business, so I said, "Ok".
A few minutes later she tells me that her backpack and coffee mug are on the auction block. We had taken a storage tote full of things to contribute to the auction. She gave the tote to a volunteer with her backpack and coffee mug inside. No, I have no idea why she didn't take them out of the tote.
So, now she's mad that I won't help her look for it. I offered to bid on it if I saw it, but that didn't seem to make her happy. :-) So, now she has to ask the volunteers to look for the backpack that says 'Crazy old cat lady' on it. This would have been enough, but God wasn't finished making me laugh. Somehow she fell off her chair. I couldn't help her because I was laughing so hard I couldn't open my eyes or move.
But, all is well. Her backpack and mug were found. She wasn't hurt in the fall.
But, the best parts of the day were to come. This auction is always July 3rd, and it's in a country area, but a busy tourist route. So, there were literally people from around the world there. All colors, all faiths, sexual orientation, etc
Some things are universal. No translation needed. A smile, a hug, a handshake. A little girl sat on my lap while her mom fed her sister. Her family didn't ask my religion or sexual orientation. They just smiled, and said, "Thank You".
Yesterday, for a few hours the world made sense again.

Dieser Blog wurde schon 1351 mal gelesen.
[Kommentare]Kommentare (2)
SusanStoLat am 06. Juli 17, 21:03

Billie66 am 06. Juli 17, 17:16

I love that kind of days, when things simply flow and everything feels just right. I'm very happy for you, you've had such a great experience  
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