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Nickname: latefall

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Jan 15 18, 18:25

Happy Birthday!

by latefall, (

So, today is a holiday here. The birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. is celebrated.
The day is for reflection, and what we call random acts of kindness. It can be as simple as buying the coffee for someone standing in line with you. I tease my friends that today is 'Be nice to White People Day'. Just my way of saying that race doesn't have a thing to do with today. Civil rights are human rights. No gender, no race or creed.
Ten years ago I had moved into an apartment and had no money for furniture. No money for anything. A lady who had been a mentor to me stopped by my job and asked for my apartment keys. I gave them to her, and she left. I didn't even think to ask her why she wanted them. I trusted her that much.
A few hours later she returned with my keys and left. Again without explanation.
That evening, when I got home, my apartment was furnished! Even towels in the bathroom, and pictures on the wall. Things that I would have picked out myself. In the kitchen was everything needed to make a pot of spaghetti, and tea bags for iced tea.
They had used their MLK holiday off work to help me.
My mentor called to ask me, "What's new"?
I couldn't really get my feelings into words. Then she said, "The ladies in our group want to thank you".
Thank me? Why?
She said, "There are a lot of people who want to help someone, but, they don't have a lot to give. You gave everyone a chance to share what they had and make a big difference. They were so happy".
So, today, I won't be a part of any huge project. Not that there's anything wrong with that. But, I just want to make a few people smile.
And, I'll try not to wait until next year to do it again. I'm pretty sure it works all year round. :-)

This blog has been read 1366 times.
[Comments]Comments (2)
OldButch on Jan 30 18, 07:23

It cheered me to read what you wrote. Lately, the political climate has been dragging me down, emotionally, and it was nice to read such an uplifting story.  
latefall on Jan 18 18, 09:49

I've waited a bit to respond, because often my explanations get me into even more trouble! :)
This isn't a comment that I just walk up to random people and say. People who know me get it.
I often attend things, and be a part of groups where I am the only person of color. Most of my friends and colleagues are Caucasian. Not any type of conscious choice. It has just worked out that way. Having grown up that way, I'm comfortable with it.
Anyway, when I bake something for someone, and they ask, "What's the occasion"? I could answer that it's in appreciation for all the kindness they have shown me. Honestly, they'd probably fall over from shock. When I say, "It's be nice to White people day", they smile. They understand that's just me being me.
Things like ethnic jokes, no. I never do that. Maybe it's an arbitrary line that I draw? Idk. But, my intent is never mean spirited.
Anyway, thanks for calling me out on it. Often others can see more from their vantage point. 
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