Blog :: Oct 23 16, 17:00

Ready for some football?

by latefall, (
Well, it's that time of year again. Nothing on tv except football. Hours and hours and hours of football.
The magic that would hold me glued to the tv for hours eludes me. Men piling on top of each other only to jump up and pat each other on the butt. What's up with that?
There's the pre-game, then the game which will inevitably go into overtime, followed by the post game highlights and replays. That's 8 hours of my life that I can't get back. My eyes have glazed over after the first commercial.
Would the universe be cruel enough to lead me to a soul mate that loves football? Could I bring myself to spend the morning cooking up game day goodies, then sit with my girl for hours of torture with a smile on my face?
I love the sights, sounds, and smells of Fall...all except for football. Not even if I could have all the pumpkin pie and caramel apples that I could eat.
© 2016 by latefall,


Goose on Oct 25 16, 20:06

I'm with you latefall. I have none whatsoever interest in football or even baseball. It would be torture if I had to watch it. :-D  
latefall on Oct 24 16, 19:00

Thanks Freesia. But if I ever tell my friends in Shoeland that I've spent the better part of a day in the cold and wind, watching grown men run up and down a will know I'm either head over heels in love, have lost my mind, or perhaps a combination of both. 
Freesia on Oct 23 16, 18:07

I don' t like any sports Latefall but I guess any sort of a match might be more fun watched live
Take a book just in case I ' m wrong though ! :-D