latefall on Nov 05 16, 13:50
I remember that writing a check did feel very 'adult like'. I'd begun working when I was 14 and opened an account to be able to cash my paycheck. I don't remember how this was legal. But it was a local bank in our small town. At first I would deposit the entire check, but then come back several times a week to make withdrawals.
One day the manager said to me, "Young lady, is that how you're supposed to handle your money"? The only proper response was, "No, sir". I was taken aback, but he was right. I deposited the checks and left them there. When I got my license to drive at 16 I was able to write a check to purchase a car. It wasn't a Mercedes, but, it was a car.
Today a manager speaking to a customer like that would be completely out of line. But it was just what I needed at the time.
Times have certainly changed Latefall !