Blog :: Dec 29 16, 05:13

As fate would have it....

by latefall, (
I'd posted earlier that I was to visit with my niece, husband, and their 5 children. I'd joked with people that I wasn't sure what toll this visit would take on me.
But, things have changed a bit. A few days before leaving for the visit my back began acting up, but, I didn't want to cancel the visit, so I went as scheduled Monday afternoon.
Tuesday morning I had to go to the ER. Literally couldn't walk. I told my niece to tell the nurses that she was my domestic partner so that she could get my medical information. I was joking, but she was so concerned that she did it! Her husband was so red faced when they came in! One of those picture is worth a thousand words moments.
© 2016 by latefall,


SusanStoLat on Dec 30 16, 14:50

Get better Buddy :) Lots of season's excitement still left :D  
latefall on Dec 30 16, 07:15

Thanks for the well wishes everyone. I think my back is on strike-protesting holding my big butt up-and a not so subtle way of asking me to take better care. 
diane913 on Dec 30 16, 05:19

I do hope your back is better & that you have a wonderful New Year! 
Freesia on Dec 29 16, 12:30

Hope you ' re feeling better Latefall ?