Blog :: May 21 17, 00:02
New kitten
latefall, (
I spent a few days with my niece and her family again. They have a new kitten. Her mom had too large of a litter and couldn't feed them all. She's tiny. Only about 2 pounds, and one pound is probably fur.
She's being hand fed while at the same time trying not to spoil her.
Well, I tried. But after the tenth time she climbed up the sofa, up my leg, then my arm, I finally gave in.
She nestled in to my neck, used my hair like a blanket, and went to sleep.
I'm 1000 times bigger than her, and she'd only known me for a day. But, she wasn't afraid of me and she trusted that I wouldn't do anything that would make her fall.
I was thinking, 'how could anyone betray an animals trust? How could anyone be cruel to them?
I'm convinced now more than ever that there's a special place reserved in Hell for people that harm animals.
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I think so too.