Blog :: Oct 07 18, 00:16
Thank You!
latefall, (
I was on Shoe for quite awhile before I understood how to use Bubbles and Blogs. Yes. I need directions AND pictures. But, that is for another blog....Anyway, I was private messaging with someone who invited me to look at her new shoes, which she had posted in a bubble.
Since that time the bubbles and blogs have been used to inform, entertain, amuse, or engage us in thought. Rarely has it been used to insult, ridicule, or bully anyone.
It's that 10% that make me want to write pages and pages of venom. But, it has occurred to me that I should thank the 90% that I've enjoyed over the years.
So, to the ones who use time, talent, and brain cells to write, draw, or send something positive....THANK YOU! It has meant a lot to me.
© 2018 by
Obviously I am the infamous 10%. But I would like you to know, I have thought about you often.
I also want you to know that I have followed you and have respect for you, (then the ever
present "but"), but you listen to a bunch of garbage that is destroying the truth I know is in your heart. I think of you, and you are in my
prayers. Not because I think you are bad, but because I believe you want answers. <3