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Apr 15 14, 19:34

As for me.....

by latefall, (

There is an analogy that goes 'You can sit in the garage all day and you still wont be a car. You can sit in church all day and you still wont be a Christian.' It saddens me that some who claim to be Christian are mean, short-sighted, and bigoted. I am unapologetic about being Christian and it is a big part of my life. I will tell you what my idea of being Christian is without saying 'we or our beliefs'. This is my own personal journey. Because I believe that God is the Creator of all, then I must also believe that all are my brothers and sisters. They are to be loved, respected, and cared for. Bottom line. Period. Not saying that I will like them all, or agree with them all. But, I have found nothing that says that I am only care for the most beautiful, most intelligent, most wealthy, most straight :-). Nowhere have I read that others must join my club to be my brothers and sisters. Unfortunately, it is often the toxic, deranged, fake Christians that are the loudest, and most visible. Yet, I can find no reference of a time when Jesus tried to publically humiliate or insult anyone. He would show up, people would gather to listen, then He would move on. He never made up signs and asked the disciples to parade around shouting insults. The Bible is a reference guide that gives us some history and some lessons on how we are to treat each other. It was never intended to be used to beat anyone over the head with! So, if you were to ask me, "Why did God do this, or do that? Why does He let children suffer? Towns be destroyed by flood?"......Although I have opinions I do not claim to all the answers. But, as for me, I have chosen to be loved by God, and in turn, I try to be caring for others. I guess my point for all this rambling on is that I don't want people to be turned off from Christianity because of the fake Christians. And, one thing that I am positive of...if someone says to you,'I cannot love you because you are gay or lesbian', that person is not a Christian.

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[Comments]Comments (9)
latefall on Nov 16 14, 07:41

Ceawolf on Nov 15 14, 22:41

Oh my dear latefall, thank you for being so articulate bright and lovely.
latefall on Nov 15 14, 18:02

Sounds like the grandmother had some major issues of her own. Definitely not Christ like. So sorry for what he went through, but glad that he found his own inner strength and you :-)
Akasha on Nov 14 14, 19:20

It is for some people. ie, my boyfriends grandmother wouldn't let him go to school, learn to read etc. He didn't learn to read until High school, and did so on his own. The grandmother also didn't want anyone to get a job or move out of her house, where she could keep a watchful eye. Also told him everynight that he was going to hell for being gay (trans FTM) It's a long lengthy story.  
latefall on Nov 14 14, 19:12

Thanks, but I'm not sure if brainwashing is the correct term. For the most part I think that parents really try to pass down what they truly believe to be true. We are shaped by our environments, whether they be positive or negative. What's important is to evolve into a belief system that fits your spirit and soul. For example, I was brought up to believe that only 'women of poor character' wore bright red clothing. But, I'm pretty sure that God wouldn't have dressed the birds and flowers in such vibrant colors had He not wanted us to use them. The times, they are a changin'........ 
Akasha on Nov 14 14, 17:32

I'm so glad someone seems the wording. "Well, we believe". " I was raised to believe".- No! What do YOU believe. I had to point that out to my boyfriend. He would often say 'we were taught' or 'I was raised to believe'. to me that's brain washing. Do what you feel and know to be true. 
Ceawolf on Apr 17 14, 17:52

you go grrl, what a wonderful paralell to my experience of Buddhism...Latefall you warm my heart lovely one 
latefall on Apr 16 14, 08:29

Thanks elusious. How have you been? 
elusious on Apr 16 14, 06:53

I very much agree with this. Well spoken. ^_^ *thumbs up* 
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